Właścicielem internetowego marketu budowlanego StukPuk.pl (www.stukpuk.pl) jest spółka P4 Solutions z Wrocławia. Strona w wersji beta została uruchomiona we wrześniu 2013. StukPuk.pl jest największym internetowym marketem budowlanym w Polsce. Obecnie w sklepie można zakupić około 17 000 produktów, w połowie 2015 w ofercie będzie już ponad 23 000, a docelowo w markecie do wyboru ma być 36 000 produktów. Dla porównania stacjonarna Castorama ma w swoim punkcie średnio od 32 000 do 35 000 produktów w ofercie. Market internetowy oferuje produkty z działów: chemia budowlana, zamocowania, narzędzia ręczne, elektronarzędzia, materiały budowlane, artykuły elektryczne oraz ogród. Sklep zapewnia produkty w kategoriach budget, standard i premium. - Naszą ideą było zbudowanie największego marketu internetowego w Polsce, trochę na wzór największych tego typu marketów funkcjonujących w Wielkiej Brytanii – mówi Tomasz Jankowski, prezes spółki P4 Solutions.
Co wyróznia StukPuk.pl na tle konkurencji? Między innymi to, że 95% produktów oferowanych przez sklep dostarczana jest do klientów w 48h. Produkty w StukPuk.pl są tańsze średnio
o 30% od tych oferowanych w tradycyjnych marketach. Aż 70% produktów Stuk Puk, które widoczne są w kluczowych internetowych porównywarkach cen, jest na 1 bądź 2 miejscu. Sklep zapewnia też darmową dostawę zamówionych produktów, jeśli ich wartość przekracza 299 zł. Zakupy ze StukPuk.pl można też odebrać na stacjach Orlenu. Stacjonarne markety budowlane wprowadziły sprzedaż internetową, ale ceny produktów na połkach w przeważajacej większości nie różnią się od tych na stronach internetowych.
- Jesteśmy w połowie realizacji projektu stworzenia platformy dedykowanej do obsługi klientów B2B, którzy są w większości naszymi klientami. Platforma zapewni możliwość kosztorysowania budowy bądź remontu, będzie zawierała opcję ofertowania do klienta, przygotowania indywidualnych warunków handlowych dla danej firmy, a nawet opcje wystawiania faktur dla mniejszych firm, które nie posiadają takiego oprogramowania – mówi Tomasz Jankowski. Platforma ruszy we wrześniu tego roku. Jej koszt to ponad 1 mln złotych. Część środków wyłoży Unia Europejska.
Wasze opinie
2016-05-16 11:08:29 lzm
2016-06-06 11:06:44 good
The issue of in-laws is one which many wives wish did not exist in marriage. This is because it is the bane of many ailing marriages. Many daughters-in-law tend to dislike their mothers-in-law and very few daughters-in-law have ever had any thing good to say about a mother-in-law. www.lawadvice.us
If you want an excellent shopping center experience, you may do well to go off the beaten track. When you take yourself away from the crowds and into smaller local settings, you can find a lot of excitement and offerings that you would never see in a large generic shopping mall setting. www.shoppingblog.us
When it comes to college living, the nonprofit student housing development option is often overlooked. However, there are many benefits to going this route, starting with the development\'s central focus: the young college scholar. www.housedevelopment.us
One of the growing sectors in the travel industry is the group tour sector. There are thousands of organisations providing group tours in almost every country. How does one find the group tour that suits? Here are a few tips. www.grouptour.us
1. Amazon - Amazon, based in the United States and one of the largest online retailers in the world, offers, other than various other categories such as books, electronics, home decor, bags and luggage, jewellery, etc., clothing and accessories to its customers. www.fashionkeeper.us
The provision of health sanitation is a key development intervention - without it, ill health dominates a life without dignity. Simply having access to sanitation increases health, well-being and economic productivity. Inadequate sanitation impacts individuals, households, communities and countries. www.tophealth.us
Deepak Chopra\'s book, \"The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success\" illustrates seven laws which can be applied easily to learning how to run a successful business online. It\'s with great pleasure that I bring you the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success and how I\'ve been able to apply them to learning how to market online... www.lawcafe.us
Every now and then, you find the best shopping mall just off a main road that surprises you with its extensive yet exciting ambiance. This has become the perfect haven for people who love to shop, eat, relax or simply unwind. With over hundred stalls and shops, almost anything and everything is for sale. www.shoppingguru.us
It might surprise you how a few home improvement tips can make a huge difference to your whole project of home improvement. Whether it is simply to renovate your kitchen or to entirely change the look of your study room, the following tips will definitely help you with new and better ideas which you wouldn\'t have thought of. www.improveyourhomes.us
Travelling with friends, family, and loved ones can be great, but the benefits of social travel are very different from the benefits of travelling alone. With the right mindset, you\'ll see how travelling alone is not only an incredible life experience- it\'s often a necessary life experience. www.drtravel.us
You will find all forms and shapes of fashion blogs as the internet is full of them. It can talk about the advantage of wearing skinny jeans over boyfriend jeans or how pink takes the place of black plus all the extras. As you go online, you will get your fill of the latest in fashion trends via fashion blogs. www.fashionsaint.us
An online business directory is a website submission service that allows your small business\'s website to be added to a specific category where it can be searched for by interested visitors. These searchable online directories allow their visitors to search for websites and businesses that they find interesting or that they want to learn more about. www.anybusiness.us
The hit movie \"The Secret\" brought the power of one of the Law of Attraction to millions of people worldwide. The Law of Attraction was brought into the spotlight and millions of people thought that this was the answer they had been looking for. www.lawcareer.us
Now is the time for businesses to make a decision to get online. Factors such as the decrease in the number of customers, rise in cost of fuel, growth in the number of people who shop online, oblige companies to shape their online presence. www.shoppingnow.us
Some of the home improvement financing programs will have specific things that you can and cannot do with the money. But generally speaking you can improve or expand upon any area of your home through these programs. www.luxuryhomeimprovement.us
2016-06-06 11:07:10 good
Since kung fu is more than 1,000 years old, there are hundreds of styles of kung fu. Old styles are mixed to create new styles. Then there are many families of styles. Kung fu styles also change from region to region, as kung fu reflects a way of living. www.stylekeeper.us
Businesses are looking for opportunities to obtain alternative financing in the face of the dwindling lending appetite from banks. Distributors of wholesale produce can possibly take advantage of five sources of alternative financing: equipment leasing, equipment financing, merchant cash advance, P.O. financing and factoring/accounts receivable financing. www.localfinance.us
All the new inventions that are marketable and are expected to make profits must be protected and an online patent attorney is the best person to help you get that protection. You have successfully come out with a new invention. You are sure that your invention is going to create a good market and fetch you profits. www.legalguide.us
An energy efficient home will always be a more comfortable and healthy environment. There are various ways you can improve your home\'s energy performance. Some of the methods involve small changes made by your family and some involve bigger changes that can be made by a home improvement professional. www.homeimprovementguide.us
A brief introduction to the theory behind time travel and how we could make it a reality. With advances in modern physics, we could be as little as 7 years away from leaping 500 years into the future. This article will introduce you to the theory behind it all, and how to make it a reality. www.toptravelers.us
Country style incorporates a range of styles, with American country style arguably being one of the most popular. What all these styles have in common is an emphasis on comfort and warmth and a sense of ease and hospitality. www.styleblog.us
When times get tough, it is quite easy to fall \"out of love\" with your work from home business. However, it might not be the business, it might be your attitude that is failing. Read more... www.gobusiness.us
What is law of attraction? This question has been in air for the last decade since the theory of this law became public after the release of the book \"The Secret\". In this article the law of attraction has been mentioned in details and the steps to implement it in your life are also highlighted. www.lawtoday.us
Ways to improve your home\'s value There are many ways in which you can improve home\'s value and appearance even in cases where the home is newly acquired. You may improve your home due to necessity or due to sheer desire of having a better or different look. The number of things to do so that you can improve the value and appearance of your home are almost unlimited. www.besthomeimprovement.us
Thinking about traveling with a group? Group travel can be one of the most rewarding ways to see the world and visit popular destination sites; not only is the vacation care free, but you can make lifelong friends on the way! If you are planning on experiencing group travel for the first time soon, here are some traveling tips to help you have the best group traveling experience. www.travel101.us
Fashion production has continued to be a moving trend all over the world. Several kinds of fashion attires are all over the place. Fashion trends keep coming onboard on yearly basis. The fashion enterprise is indeed an interesting aspect of business that is generating waves across the world. www.topfashion.us
Believing in what you do is that most important step when creating a successful start-up business. But sometimes your great idea comes with little to no money to get it started. Great credit for a business loan or a huge amount of money in savings is not always needed if you are able to start thinking outside of the box. www.mrbusiness.us
Times have changed, the world is a different place and in this case we are talking because of one thing. That one thing is the internet. While there are actually some bad things that can be blamed on the internet there are also good ones. One of those good ones has been the inception of an internet shopping mall. www.internetshopping.us
Thousands of burglaries are committed each year in the United Kingdom. Many people fall victim to these criminals - who in the majority of cases show no remorse for the pain they cause with their actions - simply because they haven\'t taken the steps to ensure that their homes are protected with a good level of home security. www.homeimprovement101.us
Tired of riding a horse or other animal to get around in a MMO? Want to swing on a grappling line throughout the city or ride a large chunk of ice through the desert? Champions Online offers a wide variety of travel powers to travel around the city and more! From flight to tunneling, CO offers something for nearly any type of hero. www.protraveler.us
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