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Szkolenie dla inwestorów zagranicznych planujących inwestycje w Polsce - Patronat

Szkolenie w języku angielskim

2009-08-31  Autor: Agata Olszewska   Źródło: Balance Education   Kategoria: Patronaty

Zapraszamy do propagowania informacji o nowym szkoleniu dla inwestorów zagranicznych planujących inwestycje w Polsce, a także przedstawicieli instytucji i firm świadczących usługi doradcze dla inwestorów zagranicznych. Szkolenie odbędzie się w Warszawie 16 października 2009 r. Odpowie na pytania: jak dobrze zaplanować cały proces inwestycyjny, przyjąć realny program i budżet? Jak zarządzać inwestycją, by dotrzymać zaplanowanego budżetu i harmonogramu? Z jakimi trudnościami może się spotkać inwestor zagraniczny planujący inwestycje w Polsce? Szkolenie zostanie poprowadzone w języku angielskim.

Timeline: 16th of October 2009
Place:  Warszawa

Design and construction process in Poland. Risk Analysis. Administrative procedures. Building Permit. Cooperation with Polish architects and branch engineers - Professional training for foreign investors in Poland

Poland is still attractive for foreign investors. But for successful investment it is necessary to get informations how to get through and attain the goal.

Marek Kamiński, Architect SARP, MPOIA

Diploma in Architecture and Degree of MSc, Cracow University of Technology, 1982
PhD in the field of Architecture, 2005
Qualification to carry out a self-independent technical functions in the building industry in Poland
Member of the Polish Architects Association SARP
Member of the Polish Architects Chamber MPOIA
Professional experience - 27 years (2 years in Germany, 7 years in Austria)
Since 1997 Private architectural business
Cooperation with Polish and foreign clients and architectural offices
Special interest: organisation and coordination of design and construction process in Poland

Training schedule:

Part 1, 10.00 - 11.00
 - Construction investment - general and local conditionality and sequencing
- Sequencing of investment process, construction process, design process in Poland
- Legal conditions of construction and design process in Poland
- The members of  construction and design process in Poland, according to Polish Law
- Factors influencing the quality of investment
- Analisys of conditions and constraints, plot analysis
- Risk analysis
- Cooperation with local architects and branch engineers
- Possible scopes of work of local architects and branch engineers
- Phases and scopes of project (design) in Poland. Content of documentation
- Architect’s contract: scope, schedules, remuneration for work, risks
- Branch engineers contract: scope, schedules, remuneration for work, risks
- Output data for construction design
- Design process organisation
- Design and drawings organisation
- Project management

Part 2, 11.15 - 12.15
- Administrative procedures in Poland. Overview and detailed informations
- Compliance with the terms and conditions of Master Plan (Zoning Plan)
- Concept design - Outline Planing Decision / WZ / ULICP
- Building Permit Design and documentation approval
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Building Permit procedure and obtaining
- Construction site - Author’s supervision
- "As built" documentation
- Occupancy Permit
- Summary

Part 3, 12.30 - 13.30
Questions and consultations

Training for:
Foreign investors in Poland

720 PLN per person inc. tax

More Information:

Agata Olszewska, Balance Education
tel/fax: +48124291258

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